Mom said:
• I have to go to college
• Get Married
• Seek security in a big company
• Never borrow money
• Buy a big house
• Retire at 65 and collect Social Security
What’s wrong with that? Do you see the big picture goal?
• Were you taught to find your authentic and true self?
• Were you taught to create a personal vision?
• Were you taught to create a life mission?
• Were you taught the true meaning of the word “Success”?
• Were you taught to be self-reliant?
• That becoming wealthy is both possible and a virtue?
We can use our “self-talk” to program our sub-conscious to accept and support our goals and make it work in our behalf to create a life of our vision. Self-talk is one of the 8 critical steps to success.
Action steps:
1. Create a Vision for yourself.
2. Write a plan of action, prioritize.
3. Live the plan as if you have become your vision.
4. Find mentors
5. Do it now!
Choose to Succeed!
Permission to Succeed – A New You 4 The New Year
On Sale Now! @
I am available for personal consultations, for an appointment you can reach me at: 520.977.0141
See you on Success Road!
Zak Klemmer
Great post Zak! Sounds like you have a great start to 2011!