Monthly Archives: January 2011
Invest in Yourself First!
Today is Monday January 3rd 2011 – make this year the best year of your life! Create a life vision and act on that vision to become great!
Re-Invent Yourself!
“Think of life as a process of choices, one right after another. At each point there is a progression choice and a regression choice. There may be movement towards defense, towards safety, towards being afraid; but over on the other side, there is a growth choice. To make the growth choice instead of the fear choice a dozen times a day is to move a dozen times a day towards self-actualization.”
–Abraham Maslow, The Further Reaches of Human Nature
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Leap Into 2011!
Those “New Year” resolutions fail because they are looked upon as obstacles – A successful new YOU will be created from your mind using this proven system of introspection, visualization, planning and action. Continue reading →