Program for Success

Our future depends on the “movie” that we play in our mind. You are the star of “Your Life” –and the writer, producer, director and have the leading role! When writing your script do not allow someone else hold the pen. Our future is not pre-determined; we make it up as we go along. Are you allowing the opinions of others to place artificial limits on whom you are?

The trouble is that we live our “movie” one frame at a time, that is to say one day at a time. Imagine that you have put in a DVD and are about to watch your favorite movie. Now slow the process down to where you are only going to watch one frame today and tomorrow you will watch the next frame and so on until the movie has played all the way through. Our mind is wired to recognize patterns and playing one frame at a time depends on speed to understand the story so unless the process is speeded up our mind will not process the information. Just like life- you are the director as well as the writer, producer and lead actor.

Look for patterns of past behavior and separate the positive and the negative, the actions that have produced successes and the actions that produced failure.  Don’t exaggerate, pessimists tend to delete from their consciousness the thoughts and actions that produced desired achievements and concentrate, even exaggerate all the events that produced undesired consequences. Optimists will focus on what went right to understand how to replicate success in the future.


The Secret

How are you doing with creating a vision board? Regular readers of this blog will have created one and placed pictures of their goals and dreams to remind themselves what they want. Desire is like a seed that we fertilize and cultivate and in perfect time we reap the harvest of success. The Secret (movie) is a wonderfully produced inspirational movie on “The Law of Attraction” – how to program your mind for success. Netflix has “The Secret” and you can get a one month free trial here:

Since we are the “Architect of our own fortune” as Cicero had written, we want to create a masterpiece and live a life of achievement, success and happiness. Create your vision then live into that vision as if it were already true. Our sub-conscious mind cannot tell the difference between reality and fiction so we can play a game and change our beliefs to get our sub-conscious mind on board with what our conscious mind desires to create.

Remember what Arnold Schwarzenegger said about becoming a success:

“It’s the same process that I used in body building, what you do is create a vision of who you want to be and then live into that picture as if it were already true.”

Action steps:

1. Create a Vision for yourself.

2. Write a plan of action, prioritize.

3. Live the plan as if you have become your vision.

4. Find mentors

5. Do it now!


I am available for personal consultations, for an appointment you can reach me at: 520.977.0141

See you on Success Road!

Zak Klemmer

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Possibility Thinking

Learning to outperform 98% of our fellows is a skill set which first begins in your mind. Everything is first created in the human mind then translates into the life of individuals as they act out their beliefs and values about themselves and how they see the world we all live in. The inner world of our mind translates to the outer world that we see and act upon. Is the glass half full or half empty?

Everything begins with an idea- this is the most important message that I can impart. Become an Optimist. The process of optimism is similar to that of pessimism only the fruits- the end result is opposite. Become an optimist in your thinking so when you awake each day you are glad to be alive, looking for opportunities – when acted upon will over time result in a life of success.

“Imagination is more important than knowledge.”

–Albert Einstein

It is our imagination that allows us to see the possible and ask:

 “What If?”


“It’s the same process that I used in body building, what you do is create a vision of who you want to be and then live into that picture as if it were already true.” –Arnold Schwarzenegger

Action steps:

1. Create a Vision for yourself.

2. Write a plan of action, prioritize.

3. Live the plan as if you have become your vision.

4. Find mentors

5. Do it now!

I am available for personal consultations, for an appointment you can reach me at: 520.977.0141

See you on Success Road!

Zak Klemmer

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A Mind United

In his nominating speech for the Republican nomination for US Senate from Illinois in 1858 Abraham Lincoln said regarding the crisis of slavery:

 “A house divided against itself cannot stand.”

 In your mind: a mind divided against itself cannot succeed. One cannot be of two minds, one positive and confident that goals will be achieved and fortune made while at the same time pessimistic about the outcome of one’s life.

 A purpose directed life is our goal; just as the space race had a goal of landing a man on the moon and safely returning him to the earth.  Great achievers set lofty goals and hold themselves to high standards willing to pay the price for success. Ninety-seven percent of adults have no definite purpose for their life. Deciding on a definite specific purpose is the starting point for all great achievement! You are only limited by the thoughts that you choose to hold. 

 Visualize what you desire; make a mind map, allow your imagination to run free. A Mind Map taps into the right hemisphere of your brain the center of creativity without time or limits. Have faith that you are very similar to all great achievers which have come before.

 Self-doubt is the seed of failure as surly as a civil war will destroy a society, a nation and marital discord will end a relationship. Becoming of one mind and choosing success is the first and most important principle of living an extraordinary life.

Herb Alpert was a music student at USC in the 1950’s a member of the USC Marching Band for two years and began to write songs. He became a cofounder of A&M Records with Jerry Moss what you may not know is that A&M Records started with one tune and Alpert recorded it in his garage:

 “Alpert set up a small recording studio in his garage and had been overdubbing a tune called ‘Twinkle Star’, written by Sol Lake, who would eventually write many of the Brass’ original tunes. During a visit to Tijuana, Mexico, Alpert happened to hear a mariachi band while attending a bullfight. Following the experience, Alpert recalled that he was inspired to find a way to musically express what [he] felt while watching the wild responses of the crowd, and hearing the brass musicians introducing each new event with rousing fanfare. Alpert adapted the trumpet style to the tune, [using] audio mixing – mixed in crowd cheers and other noises for ambiance, and renamed the song “The Lonely Bull”. He personally funded the production of the record as a single, and it spread through radio DJs until it caught on and became a Top Ten hit in 1962.

 He followed up quickly with his debut album, “The Lonely Bull” by “Herb Alpert & the Tijuana Brass”. Originally the Tijuana Brass was just Alpert overdubbing his own trumpet, slightly out of sync. The title cut reached #6 on the Billboard Magazine Pop Singles Chart. This was A&M Records’ first album (the original number was 101), although it was recorded at Conway Records.

By the end of 1964, because of a growing demand for live appearances by the Tijuana Brass, Alpert auditioned and hired a team of studio musicians.” –Wikipedia

You can be the next “Herb Alpert” in your field of endeavor all it takes is Motive + Action = motiv-action! Allow your thinking to choose success, your mind is the most powerful instrument of humankind, use it to find creative answers and attract people and things to your cause! Think and believe: “Success is a choice that I take each day.”

Action steps:

1. Create a Vision for yourself.

2. Write a plan of action, prioritize.

3. Live the plan as if you have become your vision.

4. Find mentors

5. Do it now!

“Motion creates the self.” –Nathanial Brandon

So get moving!

I am available for personal consultations, for an appointment you can reach me at: 520.977.0141

See you on Success Road!

Zak Klemmer

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Become a Visionary

Successful people think about the rewards of success, how to find creative solutions and people to help them achieve their goals when they act. Failures worry about what might go wrong, the obsticles in their way and why it can’t be done; they become frozen unable to act on their plan.

“Mind is the Master power that moulds and makes,

And Man is Mind, and evermore he takes,

The tool of Thought, and shaping what he wills,

Brings forth a thousand joys, a thousand ills;

He thinks in secret, and it comes to pass;

Environment is but his looking-glass.”

–James Allen (As A Man Thinketh)

Your mind is very powerful and will attarct what you think about most of the time. By creating a definate purpose for your life you will start to focus your thoughts and actions in attainig those ends. By rejecting limitation and embracing your higher purpose you sew seeds of greatness in your life that in perfect time will become a bountiful harvest of love, health, success and wealth.

A young architect created a model of his visionary house of the future. He was very proud of his design and promoted himself as a “Visionary Architect”.

A businessman was looking for an architect to build a home for his family and happened to have business at the office next to the young architect’s. Seeing the model of the house in the office window decided to discuss his desire of having the young architect build the house for his family.

The young architect was elated over his new client and that he would have the opportunity to see his dream made into reality. The client was so impressed with his architect that he decided to have the architect act as the builder as well. The architect made a terrible judgement error, he gave into temtation and used his position to take short cuts in workmanship and lowered the strength of materials to save on the construction budget and poketed the difference without being honest with his client.

When the house was finished the client was so impressed telling his architect that “It is more beautiful than I could have ever imagined! I believe in your work so much that I want to become your patron- so the house is yours for you to live in.”

 You are the Architect of your life so crate a life worthy of your soul and mind. Create a high standard to live up to, rejecting fear, limitation and hate and embrace joy, confidence and love.


Life is a process similar to a construction project, in managing any complex process a Gantt chart is used in industry to manage sequence, time, people and results to completion. So I dare you to choose success over failure and discover your true and authentic self. Don’t confuse an event or a tempory setback as a measure of your self-worth, of who you are. Life is a process as is success, become one with the process of your successful life. 

Gantt Chart

“You will be what you will to be;

Let failure find its false content

In that poor word, ‘environment,’

But spirit scorns it, and is free.

It masters time, it conquers space;

It cows that boastful trickster, Chance,

And bids the tyrant Circumstance

Uncrown, and fill a servant’s place.

The human Will, that force unseen,

The offspring of deathless Soul,

Can hew a way to any goal,

Though walls of granite intervene.

Be not impatient in delay,

But wait as one who understands;

When spirit rises and commands,

The gods are ready to obey.”

–James Allen (As A Man Thinketh)

In rhetoric one logically argues from the general to the specific. In my practice as a coach I have my clients visualize what they want (goals) then work on process to achieve them.

From visualization of a definite and specific goal to a process of action steps creating the goal in reality. Picture yourself having possession of your goal, feel it emotionally, hold it and taste it in the now (right brain). Use a Mind Map to create a definite written record of your vision, and then work on the process. This process can be charted using a time line bar chart, a Gantt chart. Construction managers must use a Gantt chart to organize all the coordinated sequences that make up the construction process. Successful people understand this process even if only intuitively. Having a written plan with a daily agenda is a must to overcome mental obstacles such as perfectionist thinking which can lead to becoming frozen.

Reaching your full potential, your true and authentic self requires creating a life vision. Create a definite clear picture of who you want to be, and then live into that picture as if it were already true; picture it first then work on the process of making it a reality.

Action steps:

1. Create a Vision for yourself.

2. Write a plan of action, prioritize.

3. Live the plan as if you have become your vision.

4. Find mentors

5. Do it now!

“Motion creates the self.” –Nathaniel Branden

So get moving!

I am available for personal consultations, for an appointment you can reach me at: 520.977.0141

 See you on Success Road!

 Zak Klemmer

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You + Your Passion = Success!


Finding what you love and are passionate about is the first step in creating your dream life- your “Vision”. This is a process of creating the person that you are meant to be. I found these inspiring words in a song by Irene Cara:  “Take Your Passion and Make It Happen.”

“What a feeling,

Bein’s believin.

I can have it all, now I’m dancing for my life.

Take your passion and make it happen.

Pictures come alive you can dance right through your life.”

What a Feeling (from Flash Dance) words by: Irene Cara

Love and passion is where you get your powerful positive energy from. Once you have created your Mind Map and unleashed this powerful force and discovered who you’d like to become it’s time for a creative exercise. Write a story about yourself one year in the future, it can be a letter to yourself or an advertisement that is published. See yourself in possession of having attained an important milestone on your quest for your life’s ambition!

Don’t let other people’s opinions or your emotions get in the way of your successful life’s mission. The choices we make in our thinking either motivate us to grow and change or they don’t. You can’t control events or other people- you can control your own thinking. Taking control of your thoughts is the first step in attaining your life’s vision.

What are your innate natural talents? Create a Mind Map with you as the center, draw branches growing out of your center and write one word on each branch that represents one of your talents. Let your mind run free, using word association your Mind Map will bring together both the right and left sides of your brain.

Remember what Arnold Schwarzenegger said about becoming a success:

“It’s the same process that I used in body building, what you do is create a vision of who you want to be and then live into that picture as if it were already true.”

Action steps:

1. Create a Vision for yourself.

2. Write a plan of action, prioritize.

3. Live the plan as if you have become your vision.

4. Find mentors

5. Do it now!

I am available for personal consultations, for an appointment you can reach me at: 520.977.0141

See you on Success Road!

Zak Klemmer

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Creative Vision

Draw a circle in the center of the page, this represents the center of a tree when viewed looking down from the sky. This is your perfect self your personal acorn from which all your dynamic positive energy flows. Now draw free hand the branches growing out of the center – seven or more; attach one word at each branch that represents a goal, desire and reward that you want to attain.

You are using your right brain’s ability to visualize and accept in the now- having presently accomplished your goals.

Using the right half of your brain:




          This leads to:

Planning & Organizing

Problem solving

Faster than using linear thinking alone; drawing a diagram allows a free flow of ideas from your brain. This method is known as a Mind Map and will allow you to be more creative and efficient in communicating with colleagues in a meeting, giving a presentation, solving problems and selling your ideas to prospective clients and customers! Most important it will allow you to communicate with yourself and let your creativity flow from within to build the life of your VISION!

Left Brain Thinking Right Brain Thinking


Logic                                                                             Visual

Order                                                                             Color

Lists                                                                               Creative

Time                                                                              Without Time

Linear                                                                            Intuition

Pieces                                                                            Whole

 Action Steps:

Create a vision board with you as the center, draw freehand the branches growing out of the tree and cut out pictures representing all of your values, dreams and goals. Words can be used but not more than one word at each branch. Repeat more than once – unleash all of your creative thoughts and ideas.


 Zak Klemmer

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I Use Mind Mapping

Tony Buzan is the creator of mind mapping software, watch this short video on YouTube. Here is a tool that you can use to start creating your life plan today! It works through word association and uses both the right and left side of your brain.

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Be The Star in Your Life!

Our future depends on the self-image that we play in our mind. You are your own writer, producer, director and have the leading role! When writing your life’s story don’t allow someone else hold the pen. Our future is not pre-determined; we make it up as we go along. Are you allowing the opinions of others to place artificial limits on whom you are?

My folks loved to dance waltzes and polkas and would go to dances on Saturday and Sunday; growing up in this culture I was a fairly competent dancer. Not having a date on one particular Saturday evening – at the last minute decided to go with them, I was 24.

They sold raffle tickets at the dance to raise money for the band and the prizes were donated. That evening I was lucky enough to win one of the prizes. I chose one of the gift wrapped packages from the stage and in anticipation ripped open the wrapping to discover what small treasure I had won. To my surprise the box contained a boy’s size 7 sport shirt!

I couldn’t imagine: why the donator thought to offer a child size gift? How many in the audience would have a child that wore a boy’s size seven? Yet I have known many adults that are still wearing their child’s size seven self-image!

 Remember what Arnold Schwarzenegger said about becoming a success:

“It’s the same process that I used in body building, what you do is create a vision of who you want to be and then live into that picture as if it were already true.”

 Action steps:

1. Create a Vision for yourself.

2. Write a plan of action, prioritize.

3. Live the plan as if you have become your vision.

4. Find mentors

5. Do it now!

  “Motion creates the self.” –Nathanial Brandon

 So get moving!

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Beware of Dream Stealers!




Turn off the TV and turn on your mind; as the ad for the American Negro College Fund would say: “A mind is a terrible thing to waste.” Hopefully you are reading this blog because you are searching for answers to create the life of your deepest desire rather than just randomly surfing the net while viewing Andy Griffith re-runs on “Nick At Night”. Your talent and love are from where your power and energy flow.

Man had dreamed of flying like birds and in ancient Greek Mythology Deadalus and Icarus learned to fly. It took the the Wright brothers’ insatiable desire to learn the secrets of air density to invent a means of heavier than air flight; some sixty plus years later Neil Armstrong set foot on the Moon!

What are your special talents? What do you love doing?

This is where to look to transform your life from ordinary to extraordinary! First turn off the television, there’s nothing good on anyway.

“I think, therefore I Am.” –Rene Descartes

“Well? What are you thinking?” –Zak Arthur Klemmer

Think! Dream! Plan! Act! Succeed!

“They need the money; this will turn a lion into a water buffalo quicker than anything else. I believe that working to pay bills is one of the most common causes in forgetting your dream. So many people are just too tired at the end of the day to work on or even think about their dream. Too bad. Turn off the damn TV! The TV will suck your dream right into the black hole of oblivion. Refuse to veg- unless of course your dream is to become a vegetable.”

The Power of Who, by Bob Beaudine, page 94; Center Street


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Create A Life Vision

Abraham Maslow wrote in The Further Reaches of Human Nature:

“Think of life as a process of choices, one right after another. At each point there is a progression choice and a regression choice. There may be movement towards defense, towards safety, towards being afraid; but over on the other side, there is a growth choice. To make the growth choice instead of the fear choice a dozen times a day is to move a dozen times a day towards self-actualization.”

 Cicero wrote over two-thousand years ago:

“Every man is the Architect of his own fortune.”

So what does this phrase mean to you and me personally? Our self-worth is our ultimate fortune, something more precious than diamonds or gold. Much of what we think about our self is fake- we just make it up to justify our emotional state and our present circumstances. In our personal universe our self-image is shaped by our thoughts which are the result of our own emotional response to various events in our life; how our parents treated us as children, how they expressed their opinion of us, how well we did in school and our relationships with our parents, friends and teachers as we progressed from being a child to adulthood.

As we live in adulthood we look in the rear-view mirror and accept as inevitable the image of our-self that we allowed to take form without any debate or reconsideration. Our life is not fixed or written in stone – we have the ability to make better choices daily- the capacity to grow and change.

Sports As A Metaphor

[In 1980] “The Soviet Union entered the Olympic tournament as heavy favorites, having won the ice hockey gold medal in 1956 and every year [from 1964 to 1976]. In the four Olympics after the Soviet squad was upset by team USA in the 1960 Winter Olympics at Squaw Valley, Soviet teams had gone 27-1-1 and outscored the opposition 175-44. In head-to-head matchups against the United States, the cumulative score over that period was 28-7. The Soviet players were classed as amateurs, but soft jobs provided by the Leonid Brezhnev government (some were active-duty military) allowed them to essentially play professionally in a well-developed league with world class training facilities. They were led by legendary players in world ice hockey, such as Boris Mikhailov a top line ice hockey right winger and team captain, Vladislav Tretiak considered by many to be the best ice hockey goaltender in the world at the time, the speedy and skilled Valeri Kharlamov, as well as talented, young, and dynamic players such as defenseman Viacheslav Fetisov and forwards Vladimir Krutov and Sergei Makarov. From that team, Tretiak, Kharlamov, and Fetisov would eventually be enshrined in the Hockey Hall of Fame.

[US Hockey Coach] Herb Brooks conducted tryouts in Colorado Springs in the summer of 1979. Of the 20 players who eventually made the final Olympic roster, Buzz Schneider was the only one from the 1976 Olympic team. Nine players had played under Herb Brooks at the Minnesota Golden Gophers men’s ice hockey program. Four more were from Boston Terriers men’s ice hockey at Boston University (Boston, Mass.) Assistant coach Craig Patrick had played with Brooks on the 1967 U.S. national team.”  -Wikipedia

        Losers visualize the penalties of failure.

        Winners visualize the rewards of success.


The Soviet team was clearly the favorite in any contest and their opponents were intimidated by the record of the Soviet Team – the opposing team expected to lose and the Soviets expected to win, in most cases they were both right. Herb Brooks had a vision of how to defeat the Soviet team and designed a plan which included picking specific players who had the ability to beat the USSR’s Hockey Team at their own game. Team USA won the Gold Medal at Lake Placid, NY in the 1980 Winter Games, now known as the Miracle on Ice.

University of Making Stuff Up:

Your life is not pre-determined- we make it up as we go along. To succeed: 1. Create a Vision 2. Live into that vision.

In 1976 Arnold Schwarzenegger was in Tucson Arizona publicizing his movie “Stay Hungry” which was a box office failure. Steve Chandler was a sports writer for the Tucson Citizen daily newspaper and was assigned to write a feature story about Schwarzenegger (who was not well known at that time). Chandler sat down with Arnold Schwarzenegger and over lunch interviewed Arnold:

Chandler: “Now that you have retired from body building what are you going to do next?”

Arnold’s response was: “I’m going to be the number one box office star in all of Hollywood.”

Then Chandler asked Arnold “Just how he planned to become Hollywood’s top star?”

Arnold said: “It’s the same process that I used in body building, what you do is create a vision of who you want to be and then live into that picture as if it were already true.” [100 Ways to Motivate Yourself by Steve Chandler]

One of my mentors taught me:

“To get what we want in life we must think what we have never thought before,

 we must do what we have never done before; think, dream, plan, act.”

–Sam Seiden

We are the author of our own life and we have the power to make choices every day eliminating fear and limitation and create our own vision just like Arnold Schwarzenegger, to create the life of our desire.

Action steps:

Create Your Life Vision

     See Yourself Living the Vision

     Set Goals with steps to achieve them

     Find mentors                

     Learn to become competent in the vision


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