Tag Archives: deletion
Create Your Solutions
One of the speed bumps in growing and changing is resistance. Familiarity is such a strong instinct that it can hold an individual back from becoming all that they are capable of becoming. We can break down this process of keeping things familiar the first is generalization. We can take a situation, an experience, or an idea that an individual has had then he generalizes it and in his mind applies it to all situations- he limits his capabilities. Continue reading
Posted in Motivation
Tagged action, communication, creative, deletion, depenability, distortion, dream, generalization, hooked on phonics, image, individual, innovation, invent, knowledge, laws of success, learning to read, mind, mind map, my life's vision, phonics, plan, planning, reading, self-esteem, self-worth, succeed, success, think success, visualize, zak, zak arthur klemmer, zak klemmer
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