Tag Archives: knowledge
What Is Positive Thinking?
An optimist will look for clues given by the presenters on how she can use her experience along with the valued information given at the event to replicate successful outcomes presently and in the future. You can gain valuable lessons from speakers at a seminar or from books- but until you reflect upon your life and apply the lessons on a consistent basis you may continue the cycle of past behavior. Your objective is to grow and change.
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Program for Success
The trouble is that we live our “movie” one frame at a time, that is to say one day at a time. Imagine that you have put in a DVD and are about to watch your favorite movie. Now slow the process down to where you are only going to watch one frame today and tomorrow you will watch the next frame and so on until the movie has played all the way through. Our mind is wired to recognize patterns and playing one frame at a time depends on speed to understand the story so unless the process is speeded up our mind will not process the information. Just like life- Continue reading
Create A Life Vision
As we live in adulthood we look in the rear-view mirror and accept as inevitable the image of our-self that we allowed to take form without any debate or reconsideration. Our life is not fixed or written in stone – we have the ability to make better choices daily- the capacity to grow and change. Continue reading
10 Secrets to Success
How you think is everything: Always be positive. Think success, not failure. Beware of a negative environment.