Tag Archives: left brain
Take a Vacation!
Sequester yourself in a quiet room where you won’t be distracted and ponder what motivates you, ask yourself:
What are my special talents?
What do I love?
Posted in Motivation
Tagged act, action, communication, creative, dependability, diagram, dream, image, individual, innovation, invent, knowledge, laws of success, left brain, life, mind, planning, right brain, self-esteem, self-worth, succeed, success, think, think success, tony buzan, visualize, zak, zak arthur klemmer, zak klemmer
You + Your Passion = Success!
Finding what you love and are passionate about is the first step in creating your dream life- your “Vision”. This is a process of creating the person that you are meant to be. Continue reading
Posted in Motivation
Tagged action, communication, creative, dream, image, left brain, life, mind map, my life's vision, planning, right brain, self-esteem, self-worth, succeed, vision, visualize, zak, zak arthur klemmer, zak klemmer
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I Use Mind Mapping
It works through word association and uses both the right and left side of your brain. Continue reading
Posted in Motivation
Tagged creative, left brain, logic, mind map, right brain, tony buzan
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