Tag Archives: zak klemmer
Words To Live By
“To accomplish great things,
We must not only act but also dream,
Not only plan but also believe.”
What Do You Want?
What do you want from your life? Continue reading →
Minding Your Business
Ninety-seven percent of adults have no definite purpose for their life. Deciding on a definite specific purpose is the starting point for all great achievement! You are only limited by the thoughts that you choose to hold. Continue reading →
Means, End & Vision
It’s “the vision thing” – develop yours today!
Core Values
Kindness Joy Love and Happiness Continue reading →
Your Product
Action steps:
1. Create a Vision for yourself.
2. Write a plan of action, prioritize.
3. Live the plan as if you have become your vision.
4. Find mentors
5. Do it now!
24 Hours
“We must look for the opportunity in every difficulty instead of becoming paralyzed at the thought of difficulty in every opportunity.”
–Walter E. Cole
Do you know how to get from California to Arizona? A road trip, vacation or relocating across the country requires a specific sequence of events.
Write Your Obituary!
Make a clear, purposeful and vivid picture in your mind!
You are over 100 years-old and these are your accomplishments! Believe: I Am living my legacy!
Continue reading →
Mom Said. . .
• Were you taught to find your authentic and true self?
• Were you taught to create a personal vision?
• Were you taught to create a life mission?
• Were you taught the true meaning of the word “Success”?
• Were you taught to be self-reliant?
• That becoming wealthy is both possible and a virtue? Continue reading →