Invest in Yourself First!

Invest In Yourself for 2011 and Beyond!

I see shoppers every time in Costco buying those huge digital TFT LCD televisions: $500 to $2,000 and more. Then there are the hours spent watching re-runs of Law and Order on cable. Why not invest in yourself for 2011?

Doesn’t it make more sense to invest a few dollars and your spare time creating a Life Vision and improving your skill sets?

Today is Monday January 3rd 2011 – make this year the best year of your life! Create a life vision and act on that vision to become great!

Permission to Succeed – A New You 4 The New Year
On Sale Now! @

Action steps:

1. Create a Vision for yourself.
2. Write a plan of action, prioritize.
3. Live the plan as if you have become your vision.
4. Find mentors
5. Do it now!

I am available for personal consultations, for an appointment you can reach me at: 520.977.0141

See you on Success Road!

Zak Klemmer

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Re-Invent Yourself!

Leave the past behind in 2011, whatever happened before is only a memory- today is now. We can act on our thoughts today; we can never change the past only our perception of it using emotional distance we can gain wisdom without the blame and pain. The New Year can be a new beginning, your year of success!

Create a new and greater vision for yourself then act on that vision making it your objective reality- now!

“Think of life as a process of choices, one right after another. At each point there is a progression choice and a regression choice. There may be movement towards defense, towards safety, towards being afraid; but over on the other side, there is a growth choice. To make the growth choice instead of the fear choice a dozen times a day is to move a dozen times a day towards self-actualization.”

–Abraham Maslow, The Further Reaches of Human Nature


We can use our conscious mind to program our sub-conscious to accept and support our goals and make it work in our behalf to create a life of our vision. Self-talk is one of the 8 critical steps to success.

Action steps:

  • Create a Vision for yourself.
  • Write a plan of action, prioritize.
  • Live the plan as if you have become your vision.
  • Find mentors
  • Become competent in the vision
  • Do it now!


Create a greater You in 2011!

Permission to Succeed – A New You 4 The New Year

On Sale Now! @

I am available for personal consultations, for an appointment you can reach me at: 520.977.0141

See you on Success Road!

Zak Klemmer

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Leap Into 2011!


Take time for yourself away from other people, telephones, TV, radio and any distractions. Become completely

detached from any negativity or pessimistic people. Find a place where you can relax and dream and plan.


Create a new vision for your-self in 2011- Do it now!

Set goals for yourself: daily, weekly, monthly- make 2011 a year to re-invent yourself. Allow your mind

to create new successes leaving the past behind. Make Success a Habit!





Permission to Succeed – A NEW YOU! 4 THE NEW YEAR

On Sale Now! @

You know what?  I bet Michelangelo had to remind himself from time to time that HE WAS A MASTER.  I’m sure Leonardo da Vinci questioned his talent on occasion.  It’s probable that Vincent van Gogh, Claude Monet and I.M. Pei (the architect who designed the Louvre pyramid) wondered if they were truly masters. 

What about you?  Do you really get that you have been called to express your unique talent and greatness?  And, have you decided to create the best of human potential in your career and life?   

Have you given yourself permission to “BE GREAT”? 

Let this book, “Permission to Succeed!” be your teacher.  Zak Klemmer’s system and style of teaching is brilliant!  Read and reread every chapter.  Underline and take notes.  Play full out in this educational journey to create the “Mind-Set” you need to achieve your goals and give yourself… “Permission to Succeed!”

To your success,

Lisa Jimenez M.Ed.

Best Selling Author of: Conquer Fear

& Business Coach to Zak Klemmer

Those “New Year” resolutions fail because they are looked upon as obstacles – A successful new YOU will be created from your mind using this proven system of introspection, visualization, planning and action.


The eight critical steps to success are:

1.  Vision

2.  Values

3.  Goals

4.  Tasks

5.  Self-talk

6.  Attitude

7.  Commitment

8.  Now!


Permission to Succeed – A NEW YOU! 4 THE NEW YEAR

On Sale Now! @

See you on Success Road!

Zak Klemmer

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Your Inner Dialogue


Dialogue is a literary and theatrical form consisting of a written or spoken conversational exchange between two or more people. Inner dialogue for our purpose is what we think about our-self (self-image) and to be more specific the “self-talk” that we create in our mind frequently, daily as we go about our business. Are you creating a dialog of positive self-expectancy?

We can use our conscious mind to program our sub-conscious to accept and support our goals and make it work in our behalf to create a life of our vision. Self-talk is one of the 8 critical steps to success.

Action steps:

1. Create a Vision for yourself.

2. Write a plan of action, prioritize.

3. Live the plan as if you have become your vision.

4. Find mentors

5. Do it now!

“Motion creates the self.” –Nathaniel Branden

So get moving!

Permission to Succeed – A New You 4 The New Year

On Sale Now! @

I am available for personal consultations, for an appointment you can reach me at: 520.977.0141

See you on Success Road!

Zak Klemmer

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* * * * * * * * * * * * Wishing You Happiness * * * * * * * * * * * *


“It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves,

and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.”

–Agnes Repplier

Sending out love to all of you this Christmas

and wishing you success, health and happiness

for the New Year.


Zak Klemmer


I am available for personal consultations, for

an appointment you can reach me at: 520.977.0141

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Showing Gratitude

Who do you feel grateful to? It could be an act of kindness, it could be someone who saw a quality in you and went out of his/her way to mentor you or someone who stopped and rendered aid when you were stranded after an accident or vehicle brake-down.

I was in a hurry and left my Kiwanis meeting in Sherman Oaks and didn’t stop to fill my gas tank on returning to Beverly Hills. I was already half way up the hill on Coldwater Canyon Blvd. when I realized that I forgot to refuel, but I was in a hurry! I was driving on Sunset Blvd. when I realized that the closest gas station was on Sepulveda Blvd. I ran out of gas on Sunset near the UCLA Campus.

The car came to a full stop near a curve in the road, there were no shoulders on this segment of Sunset Blvd., so I was blocking one lane of traffic. This was before cell-phones so I decided to knock on the nearest door and ask to use their phone to call the Automobile Club.

I climbed up the many steps to the front door and rang the doorbell. A middle-aged woman answered the door keeping the safety chain attached so we spoke with each other through a 4 inch opening.

Me: “Hello mam, I ran out of gas (pointing to my car) may I please use your phone to call the auto-club?”

I was wearing a coat and tie but I sensed that the woman at the door didn’t trust me.

The woman: “Give me your auto-club card and I will make the call for you.”

Me: “O.K., here is my card- thanks for your help.”

The woman: “Tell me again, what your problem is?”

Me: “I ran out of gas.”

The woman: “You ran out of gas?!” At this point the front door is opened wide!

The woman: “Please follow me to the garage, I will drive you to a gas station!”

My mouth must have been wide open with surprise at this point because of the complete shift in her apparent attitude! So I followed her through her home where she introduced me to her lovely teen-aged daughter as “this nice young-man” that she is helping.

We made small talk in her Mercedes as we drove to obtain a can to fill with gas. Still amazed from her shift from not letting me inside to call the auto-club to volunteering to drive me to obtain fuel. The remainder of my day went well but I just kept thinking about the kindness that was given to me.

I looked up her name and went to a florist and sent her a thank-you card with a bouquet of flowers. The next day she telephoned me at my office thanking me for the gift. She must have spoken for ten minutes thanking me for my courtesy telling me several times that my mother must be very proud of me- that her husband is a doctor and that they have lived in that home for thirty years. They have helped people injured in traffic accidents, her husband being a doctor had rendered aid that I was the first person to ever send a note of thanks!

Have a very happy holiday season.

Action steps:

  1. Create a Vision for yourself.
  2. Write a plan of action, prioritize.
  3. Live the plan as if you have become your vision.
  4. Find mentors
  5. Do it now!


“Motion creates the self.” –Nathaniel Branden

So get moving!

I am available for personal consultations, for an appointment you can reach me at: 520.977.0141

See you on Success Road!

Zak Klemmer

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Bloom’s Taxonomy

Summarizing Bloom’s Taxonomy of Academic Achievement:

Knowledge forms the base of the pyramid:

Memorizing verbatim information being able to remember, but not necessarily fully understand the material.

Comprehension is the second level:

Retaining in your own words; paraphrasing, summarizing, translating.

Application is the third level:

Using information to solve problems, transferring abstract or theoretical ideas to practical solutions. Identifying connections and relationships and how they apply.

Analysis is the fourth level:

Identifying components; determining arrangements, logic and semantics.

Synthesis is the fifth level:

Combining information to form a unique product requires creativity and originality.

Evaluation at the top of the pyramid:

Making decisions and supporting views; requires understanding of values.

Ask yourself: How does this apply to me in my work and life? What is my position in Bloom’s hierarchy of values in my journey of self-mastery in my career?

Objective reality is how we compete in the real world with our ideas, skill sets and abilities to create value for our- self and others in the market place.

In our journey to mastery in our life, profession and career requires the ability to master all levels and use our mind to create a unique career and personhood.

Action steps:

1. Create a Vision for yourself.

2. Write a plan of action, prioritize.

3. Live the plan as if you have become your vision.

4. Find mentors

5. Do it now!

“Motion creates the self.” –Nathaniel Branden

So get moving!

I am available for personal consultations, for an appointment you can reach me at: 520.977.0141

See you on Success Road!

Zak Klemmer

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Coffee, Tea or Me?

Are Your Goals Big Enough?

The first gourmet coffee store that I had experienced was in 1971: “Coffee, Tea or Me?” located on Ventura Boulevard in Tarzana California. Until then I had never had an espresso or cappuccino and only saw coffee that came out of a can. The woman who was the store’s proprietor roasted her own beans and would educate her customers about coffee while she had their attention as they were sipping their beverages. The store was wonderfully arraigned selling glassware and all things associated with brewing coffee and tea. I still remember the first variety of coffee that I had sampled: New Guiana. Many years later the first time I walked into a Starbucks store it reminded me about “Coffee, Tea or Me?”.

Word had traveled about the store, people would just walk in and take pictures without the owner’s consent so as the copy her store’s layout. As I recall, the proprietor’s husband was an engineer for an aerospace company and when he was transferred out of California she closed the business. She had the game changing business, one of the first of its kind and didn’t follow through on growing her business- but Starbucks did. Are your goals big enough?

Action steps:

1. Create a Vision for yourself.

2. Write a plan of action, prioritize.

3. Live the plan as if you have become your vision.

4. Find mentors

5. Do it now!

“Motion creates the self.” –Nathaniel Branden

So get moving!

I am available for personal consultations, for an appointment you can reach me at: 520.977.0141

See you on Success Road!

Zak Klemmer

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Physical Therapy

My Ordeal With Sciatica (part 4 of 4)

By Zak Klemmer


I had to find a substitute for taking Ibuprofen because to undergo surgery taking an NSAID drug like Ibuprofen will interfere with clotting. So I had the scripts filled and started to take those two drugs. I started to have all the side effects listed in the product disclosure.

I had the injection and afterward I had the same symptoms in both legs – I now felt numbness in both legs and feet. And I still had the back pain periodically. It was now seven months past October 2003. I felt defeated because my condition had worsened.

I had to find an answer as my memory was still fresh of having the ability of riding my bicycle 10 miles without tiring. I saw an ad for spinal decompression that was offered by another chiropractor. Since it was not covered by my insurance the expense was out of my own pocket. I had about 50 of the decompression treatments but my progress was very slow.

Now I did have excellent insurance but medical treatments under my HMO was decided by the medical group that my primary care physician belonged to. Under the insurance there was a six month waiting period to change medical groups to have the same condition covered. After I decided not to have another spinal injection I could change medical groups. During this time I came to know my father’s doctor from taking him to his appointments. I quickly learned the difference in the quality of care between the two.

I discussed my condition with my new doctor and she referred me to a physical therapist. The physical therapist taught me stretching exercises, primarily working my core: abdomen and back muscles and my legs. He advised me to join a gym so as to strengthen all the muscle groups to support my spine.

We had to put my father in a nursing home, at 96 he needed more care than I could give him at his home. Soon after I was offered a career position in Tucson, which I accepted and was then able to move back to my home in August 2005. The stretching exercises helped to improve my condition. I had fewer symptoms of numbness and the occurrence and severity lessened over time. I did procrastinate joining a gym until September of 2006. After I finally started weight training, within a few months at the gym I noticed a great improvement in my condition; I had regained strength in my legs. I could sprint across the parking lot to get out of the rain where before I had trouble walking up a 6% grade.

I have very few symptoms now as I can use a seated leg press and lift 300 pounds with my legs; I started at 90 pounds in September 2006. The bottom line is that one must take responsibility for one’s health- disinterested parties such as the medical establishment will not put your interests ahead of theirs- so you must look after your own self-interest first.

Action steps:

1. Create a Vision for yourself.

2. Write a plan of action, prioritize.

3. Live the plan as if you have become your vision.

4. Find mentors

5. Do it now!

“Motion creates the self.” –Nathaniel Branden

So get moving!



I am available for personal consultations, for an appointment you can reach me at: 520.977.0141

See you on Success Road!

Zak Klemmer

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Running Through Their Hoops

Sciatica Part 3

I am happy to report my physical condition is in the best shape since my initial disability due to sciatica and in some way superior as I’m at a proper weight and my exercises, stretching and weight training have improved my health. So this Thanksgiving 2010 I have much to be thankful for- now back to October 2003.

I expected that that I would get relief for the pain and my body would be back to normal in a month. I was sadly mistaken. The delay from Friday evening to Monday evening in seeing a doctor must have caused further irritation to my sciatic nerve. My doctor not writing any prescriptions took its toll on my condition, from October 20 to January 26 –in three months I had lost muscle mass in my right leg. I was in pain and had difficulty standing and walking. During this time period I was bounced around from my primary doctor to a neurologist then was sent for a MRI and back to my doctor again in January.

Then I was sent to a pain clinic and to a neurosurgeon. I didn’t make an appointment to the pain clinic but went to see the neurosurgeon. I gave this a lot of thought writing down a detailed history of my condition back to June 1998 forward. The doctor looked at my questions then told me that they were indeed excellent questions but that this was only a consultation and it would cost $1,000,000.00 to answer all my questions! Then he sent me to Centinella Hospital to get another MRI with some technical jargon why the first MRI wasn’t clear enough. I had the MRI as instructed then returned to see the brain doctor.

I had also started seeing a chiropractor in February and also purchased an inversion swing to relieve pressure on my lower back. My progress was so slow that I wondered if I would ever be able to walk briskly and run again. I would go to Hermosa Beach after work and walk on the strand listening to music and people watching. Pier Avenue is a steep slope from the beach area to Pacific Coast Highway. Climbing up this slope was very difficult.

In returning to the neurosurgeon, the first words out of the brain doctors mouth were: “I’ve got good news for you- there’s nothing wrong with your back!”

Well exxcusssssssssseeeee meeeeeeeeeeeee!!!! I was still suffering. No apologies to Steve Martin.

The brain doctor pushed me off on a pain clinic doctor so I made the appointment. At the appointment the doctor wrote two scripts, one for a muscle relaxer and another drug that is commonly given to Epileptics. We discussed having a steroid- cortisone injection into my spine. I knew that athletes had them for pain so I gave my approval.

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